June 17, 2024
The Chelyabinsk region will traditionally take part in the International Industrial Exhibition INNOPROM in Yekaterinburg in 2024.
During the exhibition, the Chelyabinsk region will demonstrate its potential in the instrument and machine-building sector, as well as medical and oil and gas equipment, and electrical products. Particular attention will be paid to enterprises operating in the production of radio equipment and components for unmanned aerial vehicles. One of the main topics of the region’s participation in the exhibition will be robotization. Thus, South Ural enterprises will present robotic systems for various purposes that can be used in the fields of education, medicine, industry, space exploration, as well as the first production model of the industrial robotic manipulator RusRobot RR-120-2900.

At the collective exposition of the region with a total area of 341 square meters. meter, 25 enterprises and organizations will demonstrate their unique developments: brushless and turbojet engines, a complex for remote control of unmanned vehicles, fire-fighting equipment, metalworking equipment and monolithic axial tools, sensors for various purposes and much more.

The Chelyabinsk region invites guests and visitors of the exhibition to its stand 1D2 in pavilion No. 1 from July 8 to 11.

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