
July 5, 2024

Saint Ekaterina’s Foundation is a partner of the international industrial exhibition INNOPROM-2024

For the first time, one of the biggest charity organizations in Russia will tell the story of implementing projects in the areas of cultural development, education, healthcare, spiritual enlightenment and patriotic upbringing in Ekaterinburg internationally.

The main feature of our INNOPROM-2024 booth will be an exhibit of unique orthodox icons with the depictions of the patroness of Ekaterinburg, Saint Ekaterina. Three icons that are phenomenally masterful in their creation, made by jewelers and artists of the Urals, will be displayed at a special place on the exhibition floor. You can see the marvels of orthodox culture throughout all the days of the INNOPROM-2024 exhibition.

Our guests will have a unique opportunity to see an ancient, almost lost technique of fired enamel, finift, and icon cases from precious metals, pearls and gemstones. All three icons are 1 of 1 and are usually stored in the private collection of philanthropist and businessman Andrey Simanovskiy. This exhibition will be the first time that these icons are displayed to the general public.

Saint Ekaterina’s Foundation unites the biggest companies of Sverdlovsk Oblast to help improve people’s lives in Ekaterinburg. In 2023, our foundation was in the top-7 of the biggest charity organizations of Russia.

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