
Rostov region signed agreements totaling 116 billion rubles on the sidelines of the INNOPROM

July 11, 2023
International industrial trade fair INNOPROM-2023 took place this week. Rostov region managed to conclude agreements totaling more than 116 billion rubles.
"In two days, we signed five agreements on construction of technical and industrial parks, as well as an agrotechnopark. This indicates the interest of business in localization of production and manufacturing of products that were previously purchased abroad," Igor Sorokin, Deputy Governor of the Rostov region, said.

In total, more than 20 agreements worth 116 billion rubles have been concluded. Thanks to their implementation, more than 6.5 thousand jobs will be created for local residents.

The main areas were projects in the field of metallurgy, chemical and machine-building industries, and the production of weighing equipment. The region exposition was held under the slogan "Rostov region. Industrialization. Continued."

In total, the products of more than 30 industrial enterprises, projects in the field of industry and energy for more than 500 billion rubles are presented at the exposition of the Rostov region within the framework of the INNOPROM-2023 trade fair.


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