
The Prime Minister of Kazakhstan has arrived in Yekaterinburg to take part in INNOPROM International Industrial Exhibition.

July 10, 2023
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Alikhan Smailov, has arrived in Ekaterinburg to take part in the INNOPROM International Industrial Exhibition. In the Urals, he was welcomed by the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Evgeny Kuyvashev.
"In the Sverdlovsk region, Alikhan Smailov will take part in the activities of the INNOPROM international industrial exhibition, as well as the opening of the Consulate General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Yekaterinburg," reports the regional government press service.

Today, July 10, the world's largest industrial exhibition, INNOPROM, commenced its activities in Yekaterinburg. This year's exhibition will welcome representatives from 35 countries. Belarus has become a partner country of the exhibition.

In addition, as part of INNOPROM, the Consulate General of Kazakhstan in Ekaterinburg will be opened. The Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Ekaterinburg, Mr. Zharas Mamutbekov, assumed his duties in June 2023.

Kazakhstan is considered one of the Middle Urals region's main trading partners, ranking second in terms of sales after China. Participation in INNOPROM and the opening of the Consulate General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Urals will promote and strengthen cooperation and trade relations between the parties.

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