
INNOPROM's main strategy session: "Sustainable production: strategies for updating".

July 11, 2023
The main strategy session took place at the INNOPROM site and was opened by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Mishustin. The Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Denis Manturov, attended the event. He spoke of the development vector of national industry, and presented the winner with the "Industry" national industry award.
Opening the strategy session, Mikhail Mishustin highlighted the positive trend in the development of Russian manufacturing industry. Over the past four years, it has grown by 7%. He pointed out that the machine-building complex continues to be the main driving force, with the automotive industry and the machinery and equipment manufacturing sector performing strongly. In addition, the metallurgy and chemical industry sectors experienced accelerated growth.

Mikhail Mishustin recalled that over a month ago, the country's Technology Development Concept was approved, under which no less than ten megaprojects are to be implemented with guaranteed funding for the entire duration of their implementation. According to Mishustin, the main priorities for the future work of companies are the complete localization of industrial products, the saturation of domestic demand, the manufacture of necessary components and the increase in exports of value-added products.

In his statement, Denis Manturov pointed out that the manufacturing industry began to recover from mid-2022 and ended the year with a decline of just -1.3%. In the first five months of 2023, the growth rate has already reached 4.8%.

The Deputy Prime Minister emphasized that our industry has gone through the "adaptation" phase and is now in the "development" phase. Support measures such as the Cluster Investment Platform and loans from the Industrial Development Fund play an essential role in promoting development. Last year, the Fund issued a record volume of loans amounting to 140 billion rubles.

This year, the budget allocated to this support measure amounts to 75 billion rubles. However, it is possible to increase it to 100 billion rubles thanks to contributions from the sale of foreign assets," said Denis Manturov.

He also mentioned the industrial mortgage mechanism, which has proved its effectiveness. Its availability is increasing thanks to the government's efforts.

The need for qualified personnel in Russian industry was underlined by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. According to Denis Manturov, the most advanced region in Russia will be the one that fully implements the tools in the Professionalitet program.

Denis Manturov presented the National Industrial Award "Industry" created by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation in 2014. The winner of the 2023 award is METIZ PRODUCTION, which manufactures products for the rehabilitation industry. This is a Russian company with a localization level of 90%, developing patented products and annual production in excess of 100,000 units. The company has introduced an import-substitute product - the 6H30B hydraulic knee module, which makes it possible to quickly and safely descend stairs, cycle and walk at speeds of up to 6 km/h. METIZ PRODUCTION competes with global manufacturers of prosthetic modules on the international market. METIZ modules are exported to 40 countries worldwide. In 2022 alone, eight states joined the list of purchasing countries.

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